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Burning Retribution je akční střílečka ze shora dolů, která se nese v duchu staré školy. Představuje návrat stříleček shora dolů s novými prvky. Hra je zaměřena na skóre kompetitivní hratelnosti a je určena pro lidi, kteří mají rádi rychlou akci, hordy inteligentních nepřátel, zničitelné světy a výbuchy, které otřásají zemí. Události se odehrávají v alternativním vesmíru, kde ovládáte vyspělý vznášedlový tank, vybavený nejmodernějšími a nejsofistikovanějšími zbraněmi. Váš úkol je jednoduchý, ale přesto ne triviální. V boji proti mimozemským vetřelcům musíte zvítězit!

Steel Storm: Burning Retribution Pokyny k aktivaci

Steel Storm: Burning Retribution Recenze a hodnocení

Review by motorsep [user]
16. května 2012

Steel Storm brings new flavor to the top-down arcade shooter genre by adding freedom of roaming around and exploring the world, FPS controlSteel Storm brings new flavor to the top-down arcade shooter genre by adding freedom of roaming around and exploring the world, FPS control scheme (XB360 gamepad is also supported with fully re-mappable buttons), variety of the online gameplay and unconventional Artificial Intelligence. Steel Storm provides entertaining experience in short bursts over a long period of time for gamers who like old school genres. The game comes with collaborative mission Editor, which allows you to modify existing missions or create your own.If you are into run and gun kind of games, co-op, old-school carnage - you will certainly enjoy Steel Storm.NOTE: All these users who down-rated the game (red circles) here on MetaCritic are 1. Violating the terms of service because they don't write reviews (writing outside of the scope of the product), 2. Coming here with personal vendetta for the purpose of down-voting the game because they were (or their friends, or both) banned on the forums of the game.Download the demo and judge the game for yourself. This is the only way you can figure out if the game worth your time.

Review by JimCorbett [user]
4. prosince 2011

The combat in this game is the same throughout every level you play. There is no intro to tell you what controls do what, what the pickups doThe combat in this game is the same throughout every level you play. There is no intro to tell you what controls do what, what the pickups do for you and so forth. It gets boring after about 20 minutes of play. If you paly it in mediation, however, you may be able to extend you play time. I personally finished all the levels in about 6 hours on singleplayer. Not really worth a pickup unless you are a fan of these type of games.

Review by JonesR [user]
1. prosince 2011

Wow! This game is WIN! It's both a top down and a 3rd person vehicle shooter (your choice). The 3rd person view rocks with the BorderlandsWow! This game is WIN! It's both a top down and a 3rd person vehicle shooter (your choice). The 3rd person view rocks with the Borderlands cartoon style graphics. The game reminds me a lot of the old arcade shooter Tempest. Plus it's got some Madballs maze blasting. Online co-op up to 16...sick! Controller enabled! If you bought the humble pack and you've put this one off, don't wait any longer. it's time to play!

Review by PC Gamer
11. srpna 2011

Simple, explosion-packed action is what SS:BR looks like, and that's exactly what it'll deliver. Nothing more, nothing less.

Review by Doubleas2380 [user]
4. srpna 2011

This game is a fast paced and action packed shooter that is sure to hook you in. With the weapon upgrades and other neat utilities, thisThis game is a fast paced and action packed shooter that is sure to hook you in. With the weapon upgrades and other neat utilities, this reminds me of a top down version of Gradius (which isn't a bad thing).

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Informace o hře
Datum vydání 3. dubna 2011
Vydavatel Kot in Action Creative Artel
Herní režimy Pro jednoho hráče, Multiplayer, Kooperace
Žánry Indie
Šablony Akce, Science fiction
Platformy Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac