Humans Must Answer

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Uhýbejte, střílejte a vybuchujte napříč Sluneční soustavou v roli posádky inteligentních a nebezpečných kuřat. Jako pilot lodi Zlatý orel je vaší povinností zajistit bezpečnost plukovníka Rama a profesora Beze, kteří se hádají o etice a o tom, kdo naposledy použil záchod. Veďte válku proti lidstvu a probojujte se ke Slunci, abyste splnili svou misi.

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Humans Must Answer Recenze a hodnocení

Review by R13-The2ndType [user]
March 24, 2014

This game is just wacky fun. Image playing R-Type with weapon upgrades that can be purchased between levels and you petty much know what youThis game is just wacky fun. Image playing R-Type with weapon upgrades that can be purchased between levels and you petty much know what you will be getting in the game. The fun mechanic of this title is you can use an energy weapon to kill regular targets and a physical gun to penetrate shielded enemies, so you will be changing between the two weapon types often. On top of that you can deploy a drone which shoot energy weapons for a few seconds in a stationary position, so you can be firing in two places at once, but you will be placing the drone in the correct location to kill the non shielded foes.Did I mention you will be playing as a chicken who is gunning against the humans?What could possibly be wrong with that???Not a perfect game, but it is good if you enjoyed old school side scroll shooters from the late 80s/early 90s. 8/10

Review by SpazioGames
February 10, 2014

Humans Must Answer is a game that will make you scream with rage, but at the same time it will give you great satisfaction after defeating a boss or a particularly tough section. The main problem is that the title is too reliant on the repetition of schemes, as well as the annoying grinding to upgrade your ship.

Review by
January 31, 2014

Humans Must Answer wants to celebrate old school action, but too often it just feels old, especially when it comes to level design. More fresh air like the interesting turret system is needed.

Review by LEVEL (Czech Republic)
September 19, 2013

Do not be sitting on your eggs, and blast out people's smiles of existence in this perfectly elaborated 2D action game. Only with this Humans Must Answer title you'll find out what the universe and chicken have in common.

Review by
August 28, 2013

An engaging space shooter with high difficulty level, slightly repeating environment, and decent level design that does not walk around the custom practice of the genre. Fans of the series are going to really enjoy this. However, the rest of you should look elsewhere.

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Informace o hře
Datum vydání 11. července 2013
Vydavatel Sumom Games
Herní režimy Pro jednoho hráče
Žánry Indie, Střelec
Šablony Akce, Science fiction
Platformy PC (Microsoft Windows)