Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

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Vstupte do říše vysloužilého zabijáka, kterého zrada donutila vrátit se do akce


Jste sice nájemný vrah, ale stále máte smysl pro loajalitu a spravedlnost. Navštivte temná zákoutí světa zkaženého zločinem, chamtivostí, degradací a hanebností. A minulost, která vás dožene.

Nikomu nevěřte - pokud bude cena správná, prst vašeho nejdůvěrnějšího spojence bude na spoušti. Vaše cíle se mohou skrývat v nejodlehlejších oblastech planety, ale jejich zničení nikdy nezabráníte - pouze je odložíte.

Naučte se svému řemeslu - ovládněte své nástroje - překonejte překážky - přelstěte své nepřátele - zlikvidujte své cíle. Nezapomeňte: neuvážená rozhodnutí mají krvavé následky. Víte, kdy udeřit okamžitě, víte, kdy si dát na čas. Náhoda přeje připraveným.

Selhání nepřipadá v úvahu.


Opět vstupujete do říše zkušeného zabijáka - na odpočinku, ale donuceného zradou vrátit se do akce. Ve snaze distancovat se od své násilnické minulosti se ocitá v situaci, kdy je nucen ujmout se svého starého řemesla. Když se dozví o jeho legendárních schopnostech, chce jeho služby ruský zločinecký boss obchodující s nelegálními zbraněmi, který má však i jiné záměry.

Brzy si uvědomí, že se ocitl uprostřed kruhu podvodníků, a zjistí, že se sám stal terčem - vysoce vycvičeného bývalého zabijáka ze Spetsnaz.

K dokončení mise použijte utajení, taktiku a instinkt pro přežití. Pečlivě plánujte své zásahy a přemýšlejte, abyste přežili. Prozkoumejte vesmír, minuciózně ztvárněný ve fantazii, ale založený na faktech - ne na fikci. Navštivte temná zákoutí světa zkaženého zločinem, chamtivostí, degradací a hanebností.

Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Pokyny k aktivaci

Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Recenze a hodnocení

Review by Goldenfreddy22 [user]
22. dubna 2022

The best way to play the game. It runs on a beautiful HD resolution on Win10 and it is the true representation of this game's majestic structure.

Review by GenuineBruv2021 [user]
29. října 2018

HITMAN 2 SILENT ASSASSIN is a huge improvement from the first game, the gameplay is a lot more fun, the bad controls from the first game haveHITMAN 2 SILENT ASSASSIN is a huge improvement from the first game, the gameplay is a lot more fun, the bad controls from the first game have been addressed and fixed. You can actually run this game in 1080p without it crashing or lagging. Huge improvement.

Review by MoneyMaker101 [user]
29. ledna 2015

The atmosphere in this game is phenomenal.It gives you dark mood and it makes you feel like an ultimate assassin.Music is AMAZING in this gameThe atmosphere in this game is phenomenal.It gives you dark mood and it makes you feel like an ultimate assassin.Music is AMAZING in this game and it's one of things why this it's legendary.I definitely suggest this game!

Review by faizanali [user]
31. března 2014

Hitman 2 is arguably the best stealth game that has ever released, forget the big titles such as MGS or anything like that. I'm not going toHitman 2 is arguably the best stealth game that has ever released, forget the big titles such as MGS or anything like that. I'm not going to say much about the graphics as they are dated now. Although, they were remarkable when this game first released. I'll add that the foliage physics are now absent from this iteration that were previously found in Hitman: Codename 47. I also like how ballistics work in the game, it's unique. The level design, for it's time, is phenomenal. Such is the case with the storyline. It kept me immersed throughout my playthrough. The environments are enormous this time. And they're filled with NPCs, that may be civilians or enemies, so you won't get bored just wandering around.The animations, however, are a bit clunky. But, again, taking into account its release date, it seems fair. Besides, it's nothing that would keep you from stop playing. I really, really loved sniping in the game. Some may say that the game is "hard". But that's just casuals whining how they can't move the mouse properly. The game's difficulty is realistic when played at expert, the AI becomes even more clever. At professional difficulty the game becomes frustratingly hard, you'd have to be a pro to achieve a silent assassin rating in that! Also the **** that say the voice acting is bad don't know what voice acting really is. David Bateson's voice is **** incredible, even more than Chris Formage's from GTA SA.Overall the game is a must-buy for all you stealth lovers.

Review by chinesephoneme [user]
3. března 2013

This is the first hitman game I have ever played. It was in 2006, more than 3 years after it has been released, I still got very addicted.This is the first hitman game I have ever played. It was in 2006, more than 3 years after it has been released, I still got very addicted. Later, I play every hitman games, and even pre-purchased absolution, and I must say that "hitman 2: Silent Assassin" is the most revolutionary, the most intense, deepest, and thus the most successful game of the series. It corrects most of the mistakes that the first hitman "codename 47" has, and adds a lot of successful features such as the diversity approach to complete the mission, the alert system that enalbes the enemy to notice you even after you change your cloth(in hitman: codename 47 as long as you change the cloth, you wouldn't be noticed by enemy), and these features shine through hitman 3 "contracts" and 4 "blood money". Therefore, this game is also the foundation of successful the sequels, especially blood money. Plus, the visual effect is amazing back in 2002, and the music delivers more richer atmosphere to the game that it really makes the play get into the game, get into the world of 47. Unfortunately, absolution somehow throws out some very essential features. I hope IO and its new parent company Square Enix would fix it and combine the best of old hitman(1-4) and absolution to make the 6th hitman game much better!

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Informace o hře
Datum vydání 30. září 2002
Vydavatel IO Interactive, Eidos Interactive
Hodnocený obsah M (Mature)
Herní režimy Pro jednoho hráče
Perspektivy hráčů Třetí osoba
Žánry Střelec, Taktické
Šablony Science fiction, Akce, Stealth
Platformy PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 2, Xbox, Nintendo GameCube