Fission Superstar X

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Fission Superstar X Recenze a hodnocení

Review by TheXboxHub

Sure it may have the odd moment of surprise and bring something to get stuck into, but with too much of the same thing going on for long periods, this is only one for those who have plenty of time, patience and a fair amount of skill.

Review by GameCritics

Fission Superstar X has a classic 90s visual style to it, the gameplay is rewarding once a few tricks are figured out, and anyone looking for a solid, well-paced shooter with a little learning necessary for success should check it out. I guess Celine is a superstar after all.

Review by XboxAddict

There’s a lot of depth and strategy to Fission Superstar X, it’s just a shame that the difficulty is so astronomically high that most won’t get to experience most of it before giving up, as it will take some dedication to make any real progress. Even with constant death and restarts, I enjoyed my time carrying out Doctor Leopold’s orders, well attempting to, as I’m still working on trying to blow up Earth.

Review by Xbox_Alive [user]

Fission Superstar X's AI impressed me because they deliver a different strategy each time and defeating enemies always felt fresh. FissionFission Superstar X's AI impressed me because they deliver a different strategy each time and defeating enemies always felt fresh. Fission Superstar X gained my attention almost immediately because it had a look to it that was very unique, but was the gameplay as unique as its presentation? Yes it is, because it features a number of different mechanics you wouldn’t expect in this genre and the most impressive thing is that these different mechanics work extremely well together. Fission Superstar X is a side-scrolling shooter and a challenging side-scrolling shooter, so expect a challenge each time you begin a new run. The challenge then can become overbearing early on while you gain familiarity in the game, so you may encounter a slight frustration on occasion. Fission Superstar X does assist by offering a huge amount of effective weapons to defeat the amount of challenging enemies and for the most part each weapon feels like it matters and is not there just for show. The content of the game has enough to keep you coming back hungry for each new run. Fission Superstar X may be very difficult and not have much of a story, but what it does well is provide an experience that’s fun and worthwhile at the same time. If you enjoy side-scrolling shooters like I do, then this game deserves a place in your Xbox One gaming library, because it’s unique in a number of different ways and gets many things very right, and some slightly wrong.

Review by Game Revolution

An interesting experiment that almost works as a video game. If you’re a grizzled Nicktoons fan willing to look past a pile of gameplay flaws, you might find that there’s a good time to be had with this good doctor. If you’re looking for your next roguelike addiction, you may want to wait for the next contender.

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Informace o hře
Datum vydání 2019年5月21日
Herní režimy Pro jednoho hráče
Žánry Indie, Hraní rolí (RPG)
Šablony Akce, Science fiction
Platformy PC (Microsoft Windows), Xbox One